genome comparison tool
metalife trinity » predictor » genome comparison tool

Key Features:
- analysis and comparison of genomes, contigs, CDSs, protein sequences and user defined regions in genomes on a large scale
- exploration, analysis and visualization of biological data in the context of completely and incompletely sequenced genomes
- integrated algorithms for sequence comparison
- transfer of sequences from other Metalife tools or integrated proprietary databases
- upload of user defined sequences
- user-defined jobs to analyze genomes
- quick navigation and access to identified regions and their features
- alignment of ortologues and homologues regions

Due to the fast growing number of newly sequenced genomes, the demand on software tools that are able to
gather biological information by multiple comparison of genomes is increasing.
One of the most useful tools for a molecular biologist to handle the vast amount of genomes, genes and proteins is the automated large scale genome comparison using conventional local alignment tools like blast.
Metalife Genome Comparison Tool incorporates a graphical user interface that allows our customers to analyze and compare genomes, contigs, cds and protein sequences, and various user defined regions on the genomes on a large scale, and also to look for their sequence annotations in selected databases.
The visualized data is easy to read and offers a graphical representation and text information for the compared genomes and sequences, thus allowing multiple genome comparisons to detect orthologues and homologues genes, identical parts among multiple genomes, clustering of ortologue genes and much more.
Genome Comparison Tool is a product that aims to provide the functionality to query, explore, analyze and visualize biological data in the context of completely and incompletely sequenced genomes. The functionality of the product is structured in several modules due to the complexity of the information.
Metalife Genome Comparison Tool integrates algorithms for pairwise local alignments like BLAST, MegaBLAST and BLASTZ. Other algorithms such as cognitor and cogfinder are also integrated in the metalife genome comparison tool.
One of the most useful tools for a molecular biologist to handle the vast amount of genomes, genes and proteins is the automated large scale genome comparison using conventional local alignment tools like blast.
Metalife Genome Comparison Tool incorporates a graphical user interface that allows our customers to analyze and compare genomes, contigs, cds and protein sequences, and various user defined regions on the genomes on a large scale, and also to look for their sequence annotations in selected databases.
The visualized data is easy to read and offers a graphical representation and text information for the compared genomes and sequences, thus allowing multiple genome comparisons to detect orthologues and homologues genes, identical parts among multiple genomes, clustering of ortologue genes and much more.
Genome Comparison Tool is a product that aims to provide the functionality to query, explore, analyze and visualize biological data in the context of completely and incompletely sequenced genomes. The functionality of the product is structured in several modules due to the complexity of the information.
Metalife Genome Comparison Tool integrates algorithms for pairwise local alignments like BLAST, MegaBLAST and BLASTZ. Other algorithms such as cognitor and cogfinder are also integrated in the metalife genome comparison tool.
Order installation of local copy of Genome Comparison Tool!
Metalife offers installation of local copy of its products upon licensing. Ordering a local copy benefits private users with the following extra advantages:
- Data security ensured by the management of all analyses and sources locally in your organization's secured network.
- Impossibility of competitor companies to track down your searches in public resources and reveal your interests.
- Custom development of project specific GUI features, new functionalities, DB sources.
- Completely new decisions implementation upon request.